
When I started this project I was a heart broken girl tediously trudging through masters application after application with no clue where I'd be or what I'd be doing six months down the road. With a great friend, I signed up to start training for my first triathlon that seemed impossible, but so far away, and such a great distraction that I just jumped in head first. Starting off from couch potato status did not make the beginning any easier, but definitely made the pay off that much greater. Since completing the Washington DC Triathlon I have taken a month off to travel abroad, enrolled in one of my top picks for Masters programs, and have also tackled a half marathon. 

The goal of this blog is to remind me to challenge, to change, and to try something new. At the beginning of this venture I asked myself if I could do this? The answer took pain, sweat and time. But now I am asking that other question, the one that gets us into real trouble "If I can do that... what else can I do?!"