Guess what I just got in the mail?! MY WETSUIT!! It's so pretty... and smooth... and mine! Ok, I need to calm down and back up. So back when I attended a Y-Tri Gear Clinic, it was very heavily advised that we plan on using a wetsuit for race day. The combination of the water temperature, the buoyancy and speed the suit will give you, and the fact that pretty much everyone wore one made it more of a serious disadvantage not to have one, than an advantage having one. Got it... I need to wear a wetsuit.
Option A: You can rent. Actually more locations rent out suits than you'd think. For example, many bike shops in the area, who don't sell wetsuit or anything to do with swimming, do rent them out. Who'd of thunk! Deal is that it cost somewhere between $25-$35 to rent for a couple days or week. Not to much right? Well, if you add in the 3-4 open water training sessions we'll have in the next 2 months, plus race day, it can add up.
Option B: You can buy. Initially I was told a good basic suit would run about $200. Now this would be just a tad over what I'd spend renting, but then it would be mine. And if I continue on with triathlons in the future (here's hoping) I'd end up saving in the end. But then I started shopping. First of all, at least in this area, it's next to impossible to shop in store. So you go online. As a novice I got really intimidated really fast. Ever picture of a suit looked exactly the same, and to be honest so did the descriptions, but the prices went from $100-$$$$CRAZY! Well I don't want to spend even $100 if it turns out I might be buying garbage. So I asked a close friend who has ties in the Florida triathlon community and she came back with XTERRA Wetsuits. Not only that, she also said that for what I needed there was one discounted to $100!! Whoo hoo!
So this is what I ended up with: Xterra Women's Volt - $99!
PS: Putting this thing on might take as much practice as my front crawl... and once it is on I could be mistaken for Cat Women... just wow!
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