One great thing I appreciate about our running coaches is that the evening before each weeks run we receive the route, all mapped out, in an email. Something about this just seems to make the whole process easier. Just knowing the distance, terrain and where we are going, seems to calm me and allow me to focus on my form rather then which way to turn or the fear of being left behind and lost.
This morning I realized, since I have all of my runs already mapped out for me, why not share them with you? So I am! Below I've included all of the runs I've done thus far. Starting next week I'll make sure to post them weekly.
Week 1 - Washington Monument & back
Week 2 - Timed 2 mile run
Week 3 - Meridian Hill Climb
Week 4 - Calvert Hill Loop
Week 5 - Mall to 7th St
Week 6 - Mall to Lincoln Memorial
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